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Infinity: ALEPH Posthumans 2G Proxies - Linebreakers

Infinity: ALEPH Posthumans 2G Proxies

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It is said that Posthumans are the next evolutionary stage of Humanity. They are the intelligent glimmer, a self-conscious information package focused on a light pulse. Entities living in cyberspace who can download themselves into artificial bodies to act on a physical level. And, obviously, they always have at their disposal the finest Lhosts, biosynthetic bodies, of the market. Turning into Posthuman is the greatest reward one can receive from ALEPH. Only those with the greatest merit, or who are especially useful to ALEPH, become Posthumans. Residents of cyberspace, their immortality is guaranteed. Even if their body dies and their cube is destroyed, they will always have a security backup stored somewhere in the net. The best and most trusted by Aleph collaborate with operations of the Special Situations Section. Each Posthuman is one-man-team, or better, one-mind-team. Posthuman can deploy several of its bodies into an operational zone and jump from one to another, working in perfect synergy to achieve any objectives. The best of them are able to jump so quickly from one body to another that they seem to occupy them all simultaneously. The amazing data processing speed of their minds allows them to receive more information, and from more different sources, than any average human. They can understand any situation and act accordingly with more speed and determination than mortal. Posthumans stand out in military activities requiring initiative and a high level of dedication and ability. Thanks to their special skills, they can adopt any operative profile, rotating through different body, equipment and weaponry loadouts. They find it equally easy to infiltrate into deep enemy territory as to lead attacks from the frontline or act the mobile support in emergency situations. No matter the assigned mission, their tactical approach is always based on fast and decisive offensives. Posthumans know they are superior, existing on a higher level than any human, and therefore they are arrogant and proud. They would behave as if they are true sounds of divinity, forged by war and destined to conquer the universe.



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